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  • Writer's picture5C Planned Parenthood

11/7 Meeting Recap!

Hi everyone! Thanks for coming to our meeting tonight and for those of you who didn't get to make it, here's a quick recap!

Election Results:

Democrats took control of the House and the Republicans kept control of the Senate.


Women made up 52% of the electorate and there will be 123 women in the House for the first time in history, including 40 women of color!

Congress will see its first Native American and Muslim women!

In Georgia, Democratic candidate Stacey Abrams is refusing to concede to Republican Brian Kemp in the governor's race. If Stacey Abrams wins, she will be the state’s first African American woman governor in the U.S.!

Florida, Georgia, Mississippi and Arizona are still waiting on recounts--so keep an eye out for those states' results!

Previous club events this semester:

Tabling @ 5C Club Fair

Phone Banking for Katie Hill (CA-25)

2 Voter Registration Tables

Sex-ed Presentation & Community Forum

Tabling at CMC's Sex Week event

Fundraiser @ Blaze Pizza

Upcoming events to look forward to (!!):

Sex-ed Trivia Night (November 14th) @ the Motley- we will be giving out fun and inclusive sex toys and other prizes so make sure to bring some friends (or come solo!) and impress us with your sex ed knowledge! Also, if you're interested in helping pick out the sex toys/other prizes and snacks, send us an email at :)

Pink-Out PARTY (November 16th)- Location is still being confirmed but we will let you know shortly! We will have a glitter station, a table with PP resources, snacks, and an area where you can take photos with PP posters. If you have other ideas you would like to see happen at our party let us know! We would love to incorporate as many ideas from our club members as possible!

Finals De-Stress Get Together (date TBD)- We know finals are stressful and it can be hard to focus, especially with winter break right around the corner...but before you commit to living in the library, come hang out with us and eat some cookies!! The date and location is TBD as of right now, but we will be baking and eating some delicious cookies and either doing arts and crafts or watching a movie!

FYI: If you want to be involved in the preparation/organization any of our upcoming events, message us on Facebook (Planned Parenthood Claremont Colleges Chapter) or send us an email! And as always, make sure to follow us on Instagram (ppclaremont) to stay updated :)

Enjoy the rest of the week and the weekend and see you next Wednesday at our Sex-ed Trivia night!

<3 5c PP

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